Improving Community College Student Success through Investment of a Community Capitals Framework: A Multi-case Study
The study analyzed promising practices leading to student success at community colleges. It included case studies of highly effective institutions and explored methods supporting a student success agenda. The study also revealed how the state’s performance-based funding model can be integrated to maximize student success and improve the efficacy of executing the community college mission. Additionally, the research investigated barriers to student success and how the community colleges invested in a wide range of community capitals to help students overcome barriers and become successful in achieving their goals.
(c) Busch, 2015
Bridging the Gap with Collaborative Intrusive Advising in Guided Pathways
The focus of this work describes how community college advising collaborates with university advising to form a comprehensive student support team to assist the student through a seamless guided pathway. This model also includes a component to bridge dual enrollment and secondary education to increase student success from high school through the baccalaureate.
Development of a Three Dimensional Project Management Matrix for Implementation of Major College Initiatives
Leading major change across a complex college or district requires a multi-dimensional approach that integrates strategies, process, synthesis, analysis, continuous quality improvement, and alignment with the mission of the institution. The following was presented at the 2018 National Convening of Complete College America highlighting how the three-dimensional model I created was utilized in the rapid implementation of Guided Pathways.
Current Works In Production in collaboration with Peter Lang Publishing
1. The integration of guided pathways into transfer student success.
2. Integrating guided pathways into dual enrollment to improve student success beginning in secondary education.
3. The empirical model to create an deliberate, thoughtful student success agenda.
Select Scholarship, Special Lectures and Presentations, Conferences, and Special Training
In process of updating
2018 (includes confirmed engagements)
Presented Just Do It: Rapid Implementation of Guided Pathways at the 2018 Complete College America Annual National Convening, Chicago, Illinois
Presented Concurrent Enrollment to Completion: Guided Pathways are Paving the Way at National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas
Served as a panelist with representatives from Sinclair Community College (OH) and Monroe Community College (NY) in the Big Ideas Session at the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas
Served on the proposal review committee for the 25th National Conference on Students in Transition.
Participant in the 3rd Annual CHLOE (Changing Landscape of Online Education) Project, Quality Matters
Participant Career Pathways from Middle School to College: A Multimedia Approach to Career Exploration, Readiness, and Development, Innovative Educators
Participant A Better Deal for Returning Adults 2.0, Complete College America.
Participant Creating an Inclusive Organization, Tucson, Arizona
Participant 3rd Annual Summer Institute for Culturally Responsive Education, June 14-16, 2018, The University of Arizona
Presented Scaling Effective Higher Education Policies and Practices to Close Equity Gaps, Co-presenter, Dr. Henry Fernandez, Vice President of Complete College America, at the 35th Annual National Association of Latino Elected Officials, Phoenix, Arizona
College in High School Alliance Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
Washington Policy Seminar by National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment and College in High School Alliance, Washington, DC
Professional Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education, Inside Higher Education
2018 Annual Convening Complete College America, Chicago, Illinois
Complete College America Strategy Meeting, Dover, Delaware
Purpose First Convening, Houston, Texas.
Contributor Growing Our Own Educators: Ethnic, Gender, and Transborder Summit, Tucson, Arizona
Presented Improving Student Success through Guided Pathways at Spring Pathways Institute, Complete College Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Presented Collaborative Transfer Advising through Guided Pathways at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Association of Community College, Dallas, Texas
Presented A New Model for Student Success: Investing in Community Capitals at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Association of Community College, Dallas, Texas
Strategies for Building Quality Partnerships that Lead to Quality Dual Enrollment Instruction, National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment, Phoenix, Arizona
Presented The Pipeline to Student Success: From Dual Enrollment to Completion, Guided Pathways Will Pave the Way atArizona Statewide Dual Enrollment Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
Presented Meeting the Goal of Student Transfer through a Guided Pathways Model at Arizona Transfer Summit, Scottsdale, Arizona
Presented Guided Pathways: The Next Step, Tucson Futures Conference, Tucson, Arizona
Higher Learning Commission Peer Review Corps Update, Chicago, Illinois
Building Health Sciences Centers of Excellence: A Look at Cedars Sinai, Los Angeles, California
Presented Bridging Secondary and Higher Education with Technology: A Collaboration Build on Student Success Instructional Technology Council, an Affiliate of the American Association of Community Colleges, eLearning National Conference with co-presenter Dr. Robert Dooley, Superintendent of the Ajo Unified School District, Tucson, Arizona
Crisis Communication Management Training, Tucson, Arizona
Arizona Pathways to Prosperity Partner Convening, Tempe, Arizona
Facilitator for Expanding Guided Pathways Across the Full Educational Continuum at Jobs for the Future: Postsecondary State Policy, Seattle, Washington
Becalos Commencement delivered comments in Spanish, Tucson, Arizona
Complete College America Media Communication
International Short Term Programs Commencement delivered comments in Spanish, Tucson, Arizona
Building Default Pathways presented by EAB
Winning Faculty for Guided Pathways presented by EAB
Unpacking Community Insights - webinar
2017 Annual Convening Complete College America, New Orleans, Louisiana
Is Your Catalog Ready for Guided Pathways? Presented by eLumen
Presented Bridging the Gap with Collaborative Intrusive Advising in Guided Pathways at the 24th National Conference on Students in Transition with co-presenter, Dr. Lamata Mitchell, Costa Mesa, California.
2017 Integrated Advising and Student Support Institute presented by Achieving the Dream, New Orleans, Louisiana
Trump Administration and Department of Education: Prepare for Policy and Compliance Changes
Pathways out of Poverty, Tucson, Arizona
Racial Battle Fatigue to Challenge Racisim on Your Campus! Presented by Dr. Kathey Obear
National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) Summer Accreditation Institute, Austin, Texas
Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora Commencement, Tucson, Arizona, delivered closing remarks in Spanish
8th Annual Undergraduate Student Research Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, delivered comments and welcome
Complete College America Arizona Meeting, Mesa Arizona
Arizona Association of Developmental Education State Conference, Tucson, Arizona, delivered welcome and comments
LULAC's 28th Annual Educational Awards and Scholarship Banquet honoring my Dean of Athletics, Edgar Soto
Global Youth Leaders Symposium, Tucson, Arizona delivered greetings and comments
2017 Futures Conference, Tucson, Arizona served as facilitator
Arizona Community College Academic Teams, Phoenix, Arizona
Web Intelligence Training, Pima Community College
Global Engagement Conference, Scottsdale Community College
Presented Transfer Pathway to Success through Collaborative Intrusive Advising: Bridging the Gap from Community College to Baccalaureate Degree at the Arizona Transfer Summit, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 20017. Co-presenter, Dr. Lamata Mitchell
Becalos Commencement delivered comments in Spanish.
Critical Incident Training for Higher Education (Summer 2016)
FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act): Modeling Compassion in the Midst of Compliance presented by PeopleAdmin (Summer 2016)
Pathway Analyses Toolkit presented by Jobs For the Future and Completion by Design (Summer 2016)
Being Intentional About Faculty Engagement When Creating Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Programs and Administering Portfolios presented by American Council on Education (Summer 2016)
Recruitment, Diversity, and Success presented by Scott Jaschik and Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed (Spring 2016)
Ohio Transfer Council Annual Conference (Spring 2016)
What Community College Leaders Think: A Webinar on the Inside Higher Ed/Gallup Survey of Community College Presidents presented by Inside Higher Ed (Spring 2016)
Designing for Competency-based Education: Lessons learned from Valdosta State University by D2L and Valdosta State University (Spring 2016)
Bridges to Success: Focus on co-requisite models of developmental education and the use of clear pathways to promote student success. by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (Spring 2016)
Creating Effective Academic Policies and Procedures to Administer Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Programs, by American Council on Education (Spring 2016)
Customer Service in Higher Education presented by Andy Masters (Spring 2016)
Train the Trainer Workshop: 21st Century Workplace Skills - A Faculty Tool Kit presented by Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education and Ohio Means Internships and Co-ops, Cleveland, Ohio (Spring 2016)
Cultivating Student Success in Experiential Learning through Faculty/Employer Collaboration presented by Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education and Ohio Means Internships and Co-ops, Cleveland, Ohio (Spring 2016)
Sustainability Challenges of Competency-Based Education presented by CBE4CC
Regulatory Issues of Competency-Based Education presented by CBE4CC
Islam 101: Intersections of Culture and Customer Service on the Campus (speaker) for 2016 Spring Faculty and Staff Inservice, North Central State College, Mansifeld, Ohio (Spring 2016)
Delivering a CBE Program presented by CBE4CC
It's Not Always What It Seems (Keynote speaker) to The Community (African American male organization) for Black History Month Celebration, Mansfield, Ohio (2016)
The Rise of Competency-Based Education presented by Inside Higher Ed (Winter 2016)
Improving the Success of African American Men presented by Achieving the Dream (Winter 2016)
American Association of Colleges & Universities Conference on General Education and Assessment, New Orleans, LA (Winter 2016)
Creative Ohio: Transforming Communities - A day of networking and sharing best practices with leaders from Ohio's arts, business, and cultural organizations, Columbus, Ohio (December 2015)
CBE4OH: Develop a CBE Model for Your Campus presented by the Ohio Department of Higher Education, Columbus, Ohio (September 2016)
Expanding Online Education for Science-based Courses, Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Conference, Zanesville, Ohio (October 2015)
Integrating Multiple Intelligence, Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Conference, Zanesville, Ohio (October 2015)
Received training on developing Competency-Based Education sponsored by the Ohio Cadre of Completion by Design, Columbus, Ohio (September 2015)
Presented Integrated Intrusive Advising between Community Colleges and Universities, Ohio Transfer Council Annual Conference (May 2015)
The Future of Mortuary Science Education: Updates from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science and North Central State College , Buckeye State Funeral Directors and Embalmers State Conference (Summer 2015)
Ohio Student Success Symposium, (Fall 2014)
Ohio Student Success Symposium, (Spring 2014 )
Ohio Transfer Advisory Council, Columbus, Ohio (2014)
Academic Leaders Conference, Dayton, Ohio (2014)
Community College Partner Summit, Athens, Ohio (2014)
Dealing with Difficult Behaviors (2014)
Tools, Tasks, and Talents of the Transfer Trade, Columbus, Ohio (2014)
Ohio Alliance of Dual Enrollment Partnerships Conference, Columbus, Ohio (2014)
North Central Association, Higher Learning Commission Workshop and Training on Updates of AQIP and Pathways Regional Accreditation, Columbus, Ohio (2013)
Ohio Textbook Affordability Summit, Cleveland, Ohio, led by the Ohio Board of Regents and the Ohio Association of Community Colleges (2013)
Prior to 2013
Math and Writing Bootcamps, Participated with Deb Hysell and John Falls in presentation on best practices to improve student readiness in math and writing, 2012 National D.R.E.A.M Conference (Achieving the Dream), Dallas, Texas (2012)
21st Annual American Association of Community Colleges, Workforce Development Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida (2012)
2011 National Learning Resources Network (LERN) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (2011)
Understanding Community Analysis Using a Rural Capitals Approach, Selected to present research and convene a dialog at the Appalachian Studies Association Annual Conference, Portsmouth, Ohio. (2009)
Fostering a Climate of Inclusiveness: Embracing Diversity in the Workplace, Invited presenter to Meigs County, Ohio county employees (2009)
A Dialog: Exploring the Impact of Rurality on Higher Education in Appalachia, Selected to present research and convene a dialog at the Appalachian Studies Association Annual Conference, Portsmouth, Ohio. Co-presenters: Mary Beth Busch, Ed.D. (ABD), Vice President of Workforce and Community Education, WVU Parkersburg, and Nicholas A. Busch, MA, (2009)
Death Through a Cultural Lens, Invited presenter at First Unitarian Universalist Society, Marietta, Ohio (2008)
Implementing Interactive Technologies in the Classroom, Invited presenter for WVU Parkersburg faculty (2008)
College Student Attrition in Appalachia: Factors & Strategies Impacting Higher Education, Selected to present research and convene a dialog at the Appalachian Studies Association Annual Conference, Huntington, West Virginia (2008)
Best Practices for Improving Student Engagement: A Research Study from the Student’s Perspective, Independent research presented at the West Virginia Association of Developmental Education State Conference and the West Virginia Community College Association State Conference (2007)
Research and Writing in the APA Format, Presented as a campus and community education program through the WVU Parkersburg Center for Corporate and Community Education (2007 and 2008)
Assessment of Student Learning and the Honors College, Presenter at the Fall WVU Parkersburg Honors Faculty In-service (2007)
Developing Learner-Centered Student Outcomes in the Classroom, Presenter at Fall WVU Parkersburg Honors Faculty In-service (2007)
Enhancing Leadership and Customer Service in a Student-Centered, Student Services Division, Invited presenter/facilitator for WVU Parkersburg Student Services division spring retreat (2007)
Careers in Social Sciences, Criminal Justice, and Forensic Science, Invited presenter at the WSCC Fest, Ohio Appalachian Center for Higher Education, Washington State Community College, Marietta, Ohio (2007)
A Dialog: Cultural Considerations for Educating West Virginia’s Children, Invited presenter at the West Virginia Association of Family and Consumer Sciences State Conference (2007)
Leading the Community College Honors Program, Presenter at the West Virginia Association of Developmental Education State Conference and the West Virginia Community College Association State Conference (2006)
Sociocultural Considerations of Death, Invited Presenter at the National Conference of FACE NIOSH Investigators (2006)
Developing an Assessment Plan for the Honors College of West Virginia University at Parkersburg, by Gregory T. Busch, MS, ABD, and Tanya L. Shelton, MA, ABD, under the supervision of Susan Aloi, Ed.D. (2004)
A Day to End Sexual Violence, Presented at West Virginia University at Parkersburg (2004)
Issues of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Diversity, Presented at West Virginia University at Parkersburg (Presented on numerous occasions)
Social Issues Facing Appalachian People, Presented at West Virginia University at Parkersburg (2002 and 2004)
Diversity in the Mid-Ohio Valley and Appalachian Cultural Influences, Invited presenter at EVE, Inc., Marietta, Ohio (2004)
Diversity in Parkersburg, Invited presenter for the City of Parkersburg employees, Parkersburg, West Virginia (2004)
Assertiveness Training and Improving Communication Skills, Invited presenter for the City of Parkersburg employees, Parkersburg, West Virginia (2004)
ROADS: Rural Opportunities for Accountable Driving Skills, A Study of Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention in Wirt County, West Virginia, Co-authored by Gregory T. Busch, MS, Teresa M. Roby, RN, MS, and Candace D. Jones, MS, graduate students at West Virginia University, School of Medicine, under the supervision of Laura Adams, MS and Kennard McPherson, PhD. Invited to present the research at the West Virginia State Health Educators Council Annual Conference (1998)
The Psychological and Social Dynamics of Grief: A Psychological and Sociological Perspective and Study of Advanced Theories of Grief Recovery (1987)
The Funeral Director’s Role in Hospice, A regionally circulated insight on the role of the funeral service profession in the implementation of hospice services (1986)
“Gregg has an excellent grasp of the history, tradition and trends in higher education along with a commitment to excellence.”
Dr. Gregory Timberlake Dean of Business, Engineering, and Technology North Central State College Mansfield, Ohio