I was instrumental in forming the Complete College Arizona Consortium (an Alliance member of Complete College America) by bringing together executive leadership from Maricopa Community College District and Pima Community College District. As a result, the consortium was formed in November 2017 between the two community college districts and I was named the State Team Lead and State Team Implementation Lead. In only seven months, I aggressively expanded the consortium to include 14 community colleges across the state, a university, and serving nearly 400,000 Arizona students. Beyond those who have indicated a commitment to date, there are a number of other Arizona colleges and universities which have indicated an interest in joining the consortium but have not made a verbal or written commitment to date.
With the support of the Indianapolis staff, I collaborated to form of a strategic alliance between Complete College Arizona, College Success Arizona, and Achieve60AZ to create a seamless, symbiotic continuum for student success whereby the means (strategies) of Complete College Arizona supports the ends of College Success Arizona and Achieve60AZ.
I was invited to present Guided Pathways to Success (GPS) at the Arizona Transfer Summit (twice) and the Arizona Statewide Dual Enrollment Conference and illustrate how GPS can facilitate greater student success for students seeking community college transfer to the university and ease of articulation from high school dual enrollment to higher education. As a result of my work in this area, I presented on these topics at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Association of Community Colleges, 24th National Conference on Students in Transition, and 2015 Ohio Transfer Council Annual Conference. Further, I will present dual enrollment and GPS integration at the 2018 National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) National Conference and successful rapid implementation at the 2018 National Convening of Complete College America.
I have collaborated with Complete College America and major educational foundations in Arizona to provide a sustainable revenue stream to support the statewide efforts of Complete College Arizona.
I have been a resource to campuses across Arizona to present GPS and invited to explain the role of Complete College Arizona and its relationship with Complete College America at several campus meetings.
I developed and hosted the first Arizona Pathways Institute in collaboration with Complete College America, the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity, and I-Best Model of Washington State with nearly 500 in attendance and representing each of the consortium institutions along with many of the other colleges and universities from across Arizona.